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- 关闭
PostNL是荷兰邮政和包裹服务的主要提供者。不只是在荷兰还走出国门 - 我们与国家邮政服务和私人交付合作伙伴,以交付他们的邮件和包裹的客户提供最全面,最可靠的网络密切合作。
PostNL is the premier provider of postal and parcel services in the Netherlands. We work closely with national postal services and private delivery partners in order to offer customers the most comprehensive and reliable network for delivery of their mail and parcels – not just in the Netherlands but also abroad.
Each day we deliver over 1.1 million items to 200 countries. In addition to our global delivery services we operate the largest mail and parcel distribution network in the Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) region.
We take great pride in our delivery quality, which is among the very best in Europe; 97% of all mail items to Western Europe are delivered within 3 days, earning us a ‘Certificate of Excellence’.